Housing Accommodations?
Each CWI engagement provides housing for the participants based on the city or area of the country where the program takes place. Housing will be in proximity to the internship placements. In most cases, CWI participants will live in apartments, dormitory-style housing, or hotels/hostels.
CWI programs are carried out by a variety of organizers who are chosen through a rigorous selection process. All organizers are required to meet CWI and partner standards. While meeting those standards, accommodations are secured on the open market, and vary in terms of type, location, amenities, proximity to one another.
Though CWI housing can vary from program to program, all housing accommodations meet basic CWI standards and are approved for use. Participants are not allowed to secure their own housing, at their own expense, outside of what the program provides, unless given explicit permission in advance by CWI and the program organizer.